1. Admonish- verb: to warn or reprimand someone firmly

2. Akimbo- adverb: with hands on the hips and elbows turned outward

3. Lassitude- noun: lack of energy; state of mental weariness

4. Licentious- adjective: promiscuous and unprincipled in sexual matters

5. Muse (noun and verb)- verb: be absorbed in thought; noun: an instance or period of reflection

6. Pecuniary- adjective: of, relating to, or consisting of money; monetary; financial

7. Plight- noun: a dangerous, difficult, or otherwise unfortunate situation. Verb: pledge or promise solemnly

8. Presumptuous- adjective: arrogant, overconfident, brazen

9. Subversive- adjective: disruptive, troublemaking, seditious. Noun: dissident, agitator, rebel

10. Vacuous- adjective: having or showing lack of thought or intelligence

Growing up with a sister five years older than me was not always easy. When I still liked playing with Barbie, I had to deal with constant clashes between my mother and my sister. Witnessing these outbursts was not pleasant, but it definitely influenced the perspective I have today on being a teenager. For instance, there is still one quarrel I remember vividly.  I had just gotten home from school, but I was so overcome by lassitude that I decided to rest my mind and take a short nap on the couch. Since I was lying down, the back of the couch hid me from sight. I lay on my back for a while just musing on my life, but I was soon interrupted. My sister stormed into the living room, and my mom, furious, followed soon after. My mom stood with her arms akimbo, so she looked quite intimidating. She started admonishing my sister, but I wasn’t quite sure why. At first I thought that it was probably due to Lucia’s recent licentious behavior, for lately she had been sneaking out of the house late at night. I then realized that the outburst was just the culmination of a long period of tension between the two of them. Their heated debates could include Lucia’s new gothic clothes and makeup, or even more pecuniary problems, such as her insistence on an allowance raise.    

In those days couldn’t understand why there was so much conflict and tension between my mother and my sister. It is until now, that I am a teenager myself, that I can finally see the mismatch that existed between Lucia’s wants and my mother’s opinions. As Lucia neared her adulthood she started behaving more subversively and acting more presumptuously, for she was thirsty for more independence and authority in the household. However, my mother knew that too much freedom could actually be harmful, for reckless behavior often brings plights. Five years ago, I thought Lucia’s conduct was simply vacuous, but now I realize I judged her too harshly. Today I understand that my sister’s obnoxious behavior was simply her way of transitioning from childhood to adulthood. Now that I am more mature I finally understand how hard it is to yearn for more independence but still be confined to strict limits someone else has laid out. I also understand my mom, who just wants to protect her daughters. As I experience the same situations my older sister once experienced, the only conclusion I can formulate is this: being a teenager is not easy.

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